Monday, July 30, 2012

Slowly transforming you from the inside out, as they say

Can you believe I look close to no 1 again? I'm now at 124lbs, although I need to stop dropping the weight as I've said before. That drug they gave me seems to be helping aside from the fact that I think I'm having the "sleeping problems" side effect. It's by no means cured me of anything. One thing to note is while I get less sick, I am often hopelessly hungry anyway. The diet of cutting everything up and eating select foods has been fairly painless. I wanted to say something about Cushing's: it changes you from the inside and the out and it does it unknowingly for how many years? Hormones have been at me since I was13. An extra 50lbs may not sound like a lot, but it is. It also  just makes you sad all the time. I had thought it was a normal feeling- how sad is that? I've seen an occasional photo timeline for it, yet there's no way to measure the emotions. I've always wanted a way to describe it but I just can't. I remember never being able to know what I wanted to say or express myself aside from raw tears. It's a mental disability for sure although I couldn't give you hard documentation for it. As for looks my hair was falling out and I itched my scalp until it blistered over. I feel like it's a slew of ailments wrapped into one; a perfect Cushie sandwich. Some people assume it was a mild problem. If they were aware of all the various, intricate things I went through and my body went through, I'd hope they'd see there's nothing simple about it. Most of my Cushing's compardres go through remission periods. I was lucky it was on an organ I could just take out. Granted it messed up other organs in the process. When I discovered that gallstones are caused by rapid weight loss, genes, and women I kind of wanted to hit someone. RAPID WEIGHT LOSS! Hello? Remember me? Yet another thing people with this disease go through is the lack of post-op care. It's no wonder I have no clue what to expect. They don't even know much less pay attention. I know my endo takes notes, but I don't even know how many cases he's had in the past. He originally told me I might have to go to the Mayo for answers. I finally figured out why my liver enzymes were fluctuating, too. Gallstones do that when they travel through the system. Would've been nice if a doctor or nurse had explained such a concept to me. I thought my liver was scarring. I never did get to talk about my stomach scope experience. They didn't find anything, but "twilight" drugs are a joke. I remember that well. There are worse things. I made a quite a face when the specialist asked if I'd ever had a colonoscopy. No thank you, not today. I'm taking miralax and magnesium. I clearly need to add to that medication list I posted in April. I've added at least another 6. Oh, and while we're on the topic, Oxycodone makes me sick. I'm not a pill junkie, I just do better on dilaudid. I tell ya, no one listens to us cushie sickies... From what I know, pain tolerance is a big deal for us. Cortisol levels physically numbed us, after all.

And now SAILOR MOON SAYS! I did not get Cushing's from:
no exercise plan                               eating hamburgers

     sleeping too much                           not "watching my figure"

Also, this: (because it makes me like my boobs better)

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