Thursday, May 24, 2012

My angry stomach, friendly grades, and a House episode!

I think I have been burdening my stomach too much. I honestly threw up something red the other night (blood?), but I'm hoping that's just a sign of something mild like an ulcer. I already know that can happen with Cushies in recovery. I read a case on it among other things. The problem is while homework has been taking up most of my time this summer so far, I still desire to socialize like a normal person. In fact, people are more than noticing that I've gotten smaller. The transition must be crazy to watch from an objective point of view. I don't know what to think about all the attention. That's not to say everybody is acting that way as I've already noted on numerous occasions. On another topic, I got the scare of my life this morning! I received an e-mail saying I was suspended from school and was super confused. I did more than what the Dean asked me to do. Turns out he just had to override it. The deal for me is to get adequate grades for two semesters- not one. When I told him about my wishes to go back to full-time status in the fall, he said if I did well in my summer classes I could! Also, he apparently talked to my English teacher about my situation and she said she'd prolong deadlines for me if needed. I'm actually taking a harder class than I was supposed to, but that's okay. Writing is something I excel at and I tend to crave challenges much to my body's chagrin obviously. Even though it's a lot of work, online is working out better for me. I can do my assignments at whatever time of day I want and don't have to leave the apartment usually. I do admit I haven't been sleeping right when I worry about getting everything in on time, however. I don't really understand my appetite at this point. I never know what to eat nor do I eat enough I'm sure. I should probably get more nausea medication, although my stomach now seems to hurt more in comparison to it being sour. Riding the bus is still awful because I have a tendency for car sickness that has clearly gotten worse in my current state. I bike usually if I have to go anywhere past the street I live on. I hate summer because the campus pool isn't open until mid-June! This is when I regret moving to a town with few lakes. I've floated down the river in the past, but it's a bit nerve-racking and not really exercise. Speaking of water, now that the boys moved out, I got to take a bath! The bathroom on my side is just a shower. A girl is moving in today and I think I snagged us some furniture from a friend. I'm looking forward to the transition and decorating. I enjoyed my few days of solitude, but it's a bit too empty. It's probably not safe for me to be alone so much either. Anyway, I'm not feeling too hot. I have a vocal rehearsal tonight and I desperately need a nap. I have to get that girl's key for her plus I should shower. Ugh... in Cushing's news, I finally watched that episode of House and it was genius. They even mention how it can cycle! While the emotional attributes could've been discussed better, it was well done. I also didn't like how painless her recovery seemed to be! I know that wasn't accurate!!! Go to this link and click the "start video now" button

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