Thursday, May 10, 2012

Speaking of health care and pre-existing conditions...

I don't usually go on political rants, but when I flipped by C-span I heard the words "food stamps" and listened to the rest of the debate. I apparently don't like Georgia representative Rob Woodall. His thoughts on making stipulations for stamps higher bothers me. I don't doubt some people cheat the system, but I bet you the ones that cheat aren't at the bottom, so his battle plan is backwards. Taking away the little food stamps people get will help the debt system but burden the people who need to eat. Just to be clear: I have food stamps and I don't get much. It's called balancing your checkbook. Plus talk about bad timing. You don't take away aid for something that is essential to life during economic strife. I'm not saying never implement a cut, but not right now. I know from experience it would be harmful.Then I found a video about health care. He's clearly never had any serious illnesses and had to pay for them. Do employers not realize that sometimes people don't buy insurance because they can't afford it? If they can't even afford that, how does one afford private? Not to mention if you don't have a full-time job, then there aren't any benefits offered. Many people take the gamble without the net sadly. I've seen friends not go to the doctor or hospital when they should. Even I've done it. I still do it knowing I have ONE weak adrenal gland! It costs so much to ride in an ambulance or stay at a hospital! I was in one for two days for my surgery and we paid a thousand or more out of pocket. I bet we've paid a semester of tuition by now with my medical bills. And I don't know everything about "Obamacare" but I do know it let me stay on my parent's insurance longer. Considering that non-traditional college students are on the rise, it only makes sense that I should keep theirs until I am on my own two feet. Even so I would've lost it this month if it weren't for health issues. Not really the greatest reasons to be able to keep it but I digress. Also, regarding pre-existing conditions, I always thought it was weird that there's an age cut off. I didn't have Cushing's before I was 18, but I have it now. I may have a secondary illness the rest of my life. It's pre-existing from this day out. I also find it crazy that it would actually get me less care if I technically was. Nobody wants to insure a sick person. I thought insurance was there to protect the unhealthy? Anyway, being sick is no picnic. The burden medical bills impose is like a raid of fire ants consuming that checkered blanket and basket of foods. If you want to go to a guy like we do for alternative health, nothing covers that. The specialist I go to? I couldn't get an appointment if I lacked a health coverage plan. As for food stamps, I personally make good use of those. I'm eating a ton better (when I eat) and with a metabolic disorder, that's important. Anyway, recall Walker- as I live in Wisconsin. Happy to say my insurance is Minnesota-based. Also, I think it's funny that Obama made a very calculating move with the gay marriage thing. Good show, but he did it on purpose for the youth re-vote.

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