Monday, April 30, 2012

The mascot of the future!!!

By golly, it's the last day of this challenge! While I have not posted every day, I have posted 30 things. Honestly, I have more ideas and won't necessarily stop blogging here. I'm really glad I did this challenge. Reaching out to other Cushies has woken me up to the good I can do in raising awareness for this disease. I'm not going to sit idly by when and if I beat this. It's not like I'm afraid of leadership considering a lot of things I've done in the past, although that is precisely yet another thing Cushing's tried to steal from me! Something I used to be very good at and worked towards being; an out-going person whom others could go to for help. My anxiety has been through the roof in the past few years. I intend to take my confidence back and lead a parade once more. I don't want Cushing's to rain on anyone else's parade. I have no doubt in my heart that I will be starting some sort of committee on campus next year. There will be obvious fliers next time. I am so mad that something like this exists and nobody knows a damn thing about it. Having an autistic sister, I was always on the side of not judging others, but personally experiencing such a crippling lack of self control makes that feeling even stronger. If this is the way my sister feels (if not worse), I love her even more for the wide strides she takes everyday. People should be aware that the phrase "anything is possible" goes both ways. My first post was about a mascot for Cushing's. I said it was like a unicorn. Something that is considered to be a myth. Now consider this: anyone who made up that myth based it on something real. Mermaids were based on manatees they say. The idea exists. Cushing's is very real, especially for the people it directly affects. In the end of this journey, I don't want to be a unicorn, a mermaid, or a sea horse. I want to be a pegasus soaring above all this mayhem. It's very hard to see that end at times, but that is the place I want to be. The photo is of me 3 years ago. I'm still about 30lbs away from her. Time to regrow my wings, even if I have to sleep 12 hours a night. That has seemed to be my only resolution to the sleeping problem right now. Needing 12 hours isn't a new thing either. I have always felt like I required a lot of sleep. Maybe that's the only way my body knows how to fight effectively. Don't ever call someone lazy without the full story. You never know if they might have a tumor growing inside them among other things. You don't know if they have lupus. Or a mental disorder. You just don't know, so don't pretend like you do. Everyone is fighting a battle and grasping for their wings.

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